New Release!
Simply Discipleship 1: Start Your Journey with Jesus!

Finally, a simply-put Bible study workbook for seekers and new Christians.
If you've been wanting to share with unbelievers interested in Christianity, or if God has been leading you to disciple a new believer, this is the book you've been looking for!
Even those who have been Christians a long time will grow through this simply written fill-in-the-blank activity workbook deep in the Word of God.
Learn how to share their faith, know God's voice, study the Bible accurately and overcome sin through Christ's power.
Included is a glossary of Christian words, a clear presentation of the gospel, tips for walking in the Spirit and leading others to faith, as well as a list of the books of the Bible in order, with dates, authors and a brief synopsis for each.
We've kept the price low so churches can order multiple copies. For an even deeper discount, contact us.
Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior
Powerful, effective spiritual warfare strategies for overcoming the enemy in the battlefield of the mind

The father of lies battles day and night to draw you and those you love away from God's purposes. Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior, by inspirational author Mikaela Vincent, offers practical, effective spiritual warfare strategies. Learn to recognize God's voice, walk in His empowering, experience victory over darkness in the battlefield of the mind, and remove the barriers that block you from oneness with Christ and others
The Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior Prayer Journal accompanies this devotional Bible study, and offers guided war room conversations with God for tearing down strongholds. And the Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior Power Planner offers room to schedule, plan, and hand every day to Christ, letting Him be your Time Manager, so you can walk in His Spirit's power. If you'd like to study this spiritual warfare handbook together with your wife, Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder offers the same strategies, but written for a woman's heart.
"I am elbow deep in your victorious Warrior Bible study and I can’t keep my mouth shut about it!!! It is by far the BEST Bible study I have EVER seen and done! Bar NONE! God has gifted you greatly! Thank you for gifting US with your obedience to His call." -- M.G.
"Can't thank you enough for your helpful, encouraging posts. Also, I read your truth encounter from Dare to be a Mighty Warrior. Working through sin and the root of issues in my life is helping so much." -- B. H.

Step into a journey to freedom through the practical, tactical spiritual warfare strategies in this handbook for women of God by author Mikaela Vincent.
Know your purpose and fulfill it. Don't let enemy lies send you on a detour. You were created for power and victory through Christ.
Learn to hear God's voice, break free from anxiety and other strongholds, cover your family, and overcome the enemy in the battlefield of your mind. Pair this book with the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal for some powerful war room sessions with the King of Kings. A Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Power Planner is also available to help you hand every moment to the One Who created you and time itself, so you can step out in the Spirit's power.
"I have gone through the Woman of Wonder study on my own with my cousin 1.5 times now. I am on Strategy 62 and have been sharing many of the strategies and verses with my daughter who is in college. She suffers from anxiety symptoms and I KNOW this study would be such a help to her." -- E.W.
"I love this book! I feel like we are in such a huge spiritual battle right now and I want to be strong in the faith, unwavering, and ready for the Lord!" -- Tricia S.
"Thank you also for your devotional book and your life which has impacted me so incredibly much and which is already being used to impact other people now too." -- Rachel M.
"Wow, I've benefited greatly from Mikaela's book, Delight to be a Woman of Wonder! She provides sound, biblical counsel with practical advice supported by years of experience in spiritual warfare. You won't be disappointed!" -- Anita K. C.
Dare to Be a Man of God
Powerful Bible studies for young men today on listening to God's voice, finding the godly wife He has for you, and winning life's battles

Grab your "Sword," and get ready for a Bible study, war room experience that just might change your life!
Dig deep into the Word of God and learn transformational ways to walk in the Spirit's power to overcome.
The Dare to Be a Man of God Bible study guide for single men and teenagers, by inspirational author Mikaela Vincent, offers steps to listening to God's voice, following His lead, walking in integrity, overcoming lies with truth, breaking free from sexual sins and other strongholds, finding the godly wife your King has prepared for you, fighting for what matters most, and loving others well.
An accompanying Dare to Be a Man of God Prayer Journal is also available with lines and without lines, offering guided conversations with the King for listening to God and walking in freedom.
Study on your own or together with your friends. Youth leaders, if you want to equip young men today to triumph over life's battles, this is the Bible study to lead! And parents, if you want your teenagers to grow deep in the Lord, go through this workbook together with them.
Don't let anything come in the way of living the life you were created for in Christ!
This Bible study workbook is recommended for ages 14 and up. For middle schoolers, try Dare to Become a Man of God.
Delight to Be a Woman of God
Deep Bible studies for Christian women today on listening to God's voice, walking in the Spirit, unlocking your beauty, and finding true love, happiness and freedom

A Deep Bible study for single women and teens
Do you long for true love? Are you tired of falling into the same old messes again and again? Do you desire to be truly beautiful?
Packed full with tools for hearing God's voice, finding freedom from strongholds and lies, and walking in the Spirit's power, this Bible study guide by Mikaela Vincent will strengthen your faith, transform your mind, and empower you to overcome.
Written from a mother's heart to her daughter's on walking in the fullness of godly womanhood, the devotions in this workbook dive deep into the Word to pull out priceless jewels for adorning the bride of Christ, as well as the bride of a godly man.
An accompanying Delight to Be a Woman of God Prayer Journal, offering guided conversations with the King for breaking free from strongholds and living in the power of Christ's love is also available lined or without lines.
This Bible study workbook is recommended for ages 14 and up. For ages 10-13 , try Delight to Become a Woman of God.
I am 61 yrs old and have been a Christian most of my life, but I love, love, LOVE and I am blown away by your Delight to be a Woman of God.
I have been longing for--and now I really know that to achieve a deeper intimate relationship, it is about spending time in the Word.
Lately everywhere I turn they are talking about how a deeper, closer walk comes through studying the Bible. I admit I go long periods of not spending real quality time on a daily basis. I talk and sing to God constantly, but now I understand that's not enough. I've struggled with hearing His voice. Now I'm learning it's a process--you practice, you look for it every day.
I feel like God is personally persuing me, calling me with an open invitation to the more intimate relationship I've always longed for.
You speak my church's language. We are all about Kingdom Culture and values. No accident I came across your amazing book. Thank you! God bless.
-- Debbie Shafer
I discovered Mikaela Vincent's devotions close to 2 years ago. God brought her books into my life at a critical point in which I really needed them. Yet, at a time I was prepared to receive them.
I started by ordering Delight to Become a Woman of God for my tween daughters as I requested recommendations on a homeschooling parent group. We started working through that devotion as part of our morning homeschool time. I liked what I was reading so much I explored what other titles this author had to offer.
I then ordered Delight to Be a Woman of God and it was just what I needed to re-ignite my faith after a dark time of grief and depression. This is somewhat a study for new believers or young woman just branching out in their faith after leaving the nest, but it was a fabulous 'refresher' for someone who had been in a time of 'drought' as it were in her faith walk.
Upon finishing that I purchased Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder - which I refer to as the 'Warrior study'. This study/devotion is SO VERY POWERFUL! I like to tell people it's the 'how to' I've searched for most of my Christian life. Mikaela walks you through HOW to really grow close to the Lord. How to hear his voice; know his will for your life; and how to live out the fruit of the Spirit. I have gone through that study 3 times and have just restarted it with my adult daughter. I recommend it to anyone looking for a deep study.
If you are a leader of any sort - parent; ministry; missions - Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader, Volumes One and Two are also powerful and essential tools for any leader's arsenal.
I can't give a high enough recommendation for Mikaela's books. She has a love and passion for sharing Christ with the lost and for drawing those already in His Kingdom to a closer, more personal relationship so they too have that same passion for the lost in our world. She also has a way of helping her readers really walk in obedience to God's word.
-- Elizabeth B. Williams
Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader
Daily devotionals by Mikaela Vincent on becoming one with Christ and influencing others.

Live the destiny you were created for.
Most of us want to make a lasting difference here on earth. We don't want to just live and die and be forgotten. Not that we need fame, but we want our lives to count for something. Something that matters. Something that lasts and influences others in such a way that this world is a little brighter, a little better because we lived.
Whether you're a parent, teacher, pastor, missionary, worship leader or even just Joe Blow Christian, these Bible study devotionals by author Mikaela Vincent are for you.
Christian workers are under a tremendous amount of stress. Not only are they expected to do great things only God can do, but every tiny sin can find itself in a spotlight. The pressure to be the perfect husband, wife, parent, pastor, missionary, Christian, or friend mounts up quickly. In fact, Satan loves to use other Christians to drive God's people out of the ministry and even out of the faith.
The only way to thrive in service to the King is to walk as one with Him.
The problems you face weren't meant to be solved by practical wisdom, no matter how wise you think you are. Proverbs 3:5-7. And you were never meant to be the one in charge. You were created for relationship. To listen to the Head, follow His lead, walk as one with Him and influence others to do the same, walking as one together as His body. Ephesians 4. But how do you do that?
Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader provides practical guides on how to recognize God's voice, follow His lead and influence others to walk together as one with Him. Vincent includes tips on how to
- Know God's will
- Go deep in the Lord and stay there
- Transform relationships, circumstances, and even yourself through Christ's power
- Make wise decisions led by the Spirit
- Influence others to make wise decisions
- Empower your team, family or church to follow Christ
- Raise your children up to walk in the Spirit and make wise decisions
- Accomplish God's purposes and agendas together with Him and your team
- Make plans that are God's plans not man's plans
- Parent with power and wisdom
- Lead multi-cultural teams or churches
- Mentor others spiritually
- Walk in the Spirit
- Find freedom from sin habits and strongholds
- Lead others to listen to God's voice and follow His lead
- Value your team members and keep them excited about the task
- Resolve conflict
If you want your life to influence others, if you want to sharpen your gifts, check out what Vincent offers in Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader. The daily devotionals or chapters are designed to help God's people walk in intimacy with Him. (B.B.)
"I've found these studies very useful in the Christian school setting. The practical guides for planning and following God together as one have helped me as a teacher, and I'm also finding great ways to model surrender to Christ in front of the children. I feel like they can see the difference it makes, and some of them have begun to pray before making decisions as well. It's helping all of us become wiser and follow God." (T.L.)
New this year!

Come join us on a grand adventure to know Jesus and the amazing power of His love. See what He says in the Bible, so you can recognize His voice and not get knocked around by enemy lies. Ask Him some fun questions, listen to His answers, and watch Him turn your anger to love, and your sadness to joy.
What Jesus says makes all the difference. His Truth sets us free!
With colorful pictures, easy-to-read verses, practical guides for knowing God's voice, and some fun characters to look for with each turn of the page, kids ages 4-8 (and parents, too!) will enjoy journeying together with Jesus to know His heart of unending love and to grow in character through asking Him questions, listening to His answers, and following His lead in daily life situations.
Accompanying this prayer devotional is the Listen to Me Prayer Journal and the Every Day with Jesus Prayer Journal so you or your kids can write down their adventures with Jesus every day.
Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus makes a wonderful family read-aloud to help the whole family draw near to Christ.
1-2-3 Walk in Step with Me

A Bible Study Adventure for ages 8-12 Like No Other!
In this action-packed activity book for character development in older children, tweens, and middle schoolers ages 8-12, Mikaela Vincent digs deep into the Word to help kids find their identity in Christ, listen to His lead, and walk out in His great purposes for their life and overcome trials through His power.
The crossword puzzles, memory verses, word searches, fun coloring activities, and steps to a closer walk with Christ help plant God's word deep into children's hearts, so they will overcome lies and know the truth that sets them free. This study works great for homeschool Bible curriculum. Also available is an accompanying 1-2-3 Walk in Step with Me Prayer Journal for kids who want to practice all the more the steps to walking close with Christ that they're learning in the workbook.
Middle school Bible study devotionals parents will love too!

For young men ages 10-13, by Mikaela Vincent, this Bible study workbook features 30 devotionals from a mother's heart to her son's on drawing near to Christ and living victoriously.
Whether you like it or not, you are at war.
- Will you dare to defy enemy schemes?
- Will you dare to walk in truth?
- Will you Dare to Become a Man of God?
Through powerful Scripture, fun cartoons, personal stories and thought-provoking questions, Vincent trains young men up in practical ways to recognize God's voice, follow His lead and make an impact on the world.
"Dare to Become a Man of God is a powerful book for a young man. It meets him where he needs encouragement, support, spiritual encouragement, empowering, and the wisdom to see how God is working in his life. The author uses Scripture wisely and effectively to draw a young man's attention to his powerful God. Every parent or person who loves a young man will have confidence knowing that this book will speak of truth to a male's needs." (Kathryn Miller, author of Never Ever Be the Same: A New You Starts Today)
(This review is used on this page with permission from author Kathryn Miller.)
"My sons and I are meeting 3-4 times a week for Mommy/son time as we read and discuss the lessons in Dare to Become a Man of God. It is a powerful and special heart-to-heart time." (Julie)
"My 50-yr.-old son accepted Jesus Christ last Sunday. He credits Mikaela's book, Dare to Become a Man of God, for helping him to see he was lost." (Barbara)
"I thought I was buying this book for my son, but I was the one who needed it most!" (Rose, mother of 14-year-old son)
"It is so refreshing to see books for young men by a Christian writer. Mrs. Vincent is a gifted author. I love having her books for my grandchildren." (Sherri)
It's not a fairy tale. It's true. You really are a princess, destined to marry the King. It's all you ever dreamed life could be. And it's all yours, if you Delight to Become a Woman of God!
This workbook for young women by Mikaela Vincent features 30 Devotionals/Bible Studies from a Mother's Heart to Her Daughter's on Drawing Near to Christ and Loving Well
The original illustrations, personal stories, deep questions and powerful Scripture in this workbook train up young women to listen to God's voice and break free from the things that keep them from the abundant life they were created for. Leader's Guide included.
"Excellent devotional. I totally recommend this for every girl and woman." (Daniela)
"Thank you so much for the AWESOME devotional book, Delight to Become a Woman of God. God always provides PRECISELY what I need right when I need it! (Amy)
"I spent some time completing some of the devotionals this week and I love the lay-out, the practical application, scripture-searching, thought provoking questions. In addition to a copy I'd like to purchase for my girls, I'll be sharing it with whomever God chooses for the 6th grade Sunday School Department Director, and Dare to Become a Man of God as well." (Safe in His Arms, Amy)
"I actually studied both devotionals together with my son and daughter. My son said about studying the girl's version, Delight to Become a Woman of God, 'I want to know what my wife needs to know!' "(B.P., mother of 13-year-old girl and 15-year-old boy)
Mikaela Vincent is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
In other words, when you click on the links to that company and make certain purchases, even if you don't buy one of my books, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you for advertising for that company on my website. Proceeds received by Mikaela Vincent go to bringing the light of Christ to dark corners of the world. Thank you for your support! If you'd like to know more about how you can help the Vincents' ministry, please contact Mikaela.