Prepare your little warrior today for the battles of tomorrow.
Pure-As-Gold Seal Books
for children and teens

Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus

Join us on a grand adventure to know Jesus in some really powerful ways!
With colorful pictures, easy-to-read memory verses, practical guides for knowing God's voice, and some fun characters to look for with each turn of the page, kids (and parents, too!) will enjoy journeying together with Jesus through this beautiful prayer devotional.
Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus works well as a do-it-together family prayer devotional and read-aloud. With easy instructions for both parents and children, get in the habit of handing your thoughts to Jesus and following His Spirit's lead all throughout the day every day.
Guides are included for helping your children to salvation, healing from hurts, overcoming trials, and breaking free from fear and other thoughts.
Here's a peek inside at the Table of Contents and a few of the pages:

For the full experience, make sure you order the Listen to Me Prayer Journal, and the Every Day with Jesus Prayer Journal (see below) to accompany Listen to Me.
Listen to Me Prayer Journal

This guided prayer journal provides helps for knowing God's voice, and room to write and draw what He is showing you in answer to the questions in the Pure-As-Gold Seal children’s prayer devotional, Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus. Take a peek inside:

Every Day with Jesus Prayer Journal

Your best days will always be the ones that begin with Jesus! This daily prayer journal accompanies pages 70-103 in Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus. Use this daily diary to write in the morning what God says over your day. Then at night, write or draw how you saw Him do that. Take a peek inside:

A deep Bible study activity workbook and accompanying prayer journal for children and tweens, ages 8-12

Hey, kids! If you're looking for a fabulous adventure Bible study, come join in the fun with 1-2-3 Walk in Step with Me.
Your King is calling you into a story like no other. In fact, you were born for this!
Get to know the Hero who rescues you from evil. Fight alongside Him to save the world. Suit up in impenetrable armor. Learn how to wield your sword, use your super power to defeat the enemy, and find the very special purpose you were created.
Are your ready? 1 - 2 - 3 . . . GO!
Journey through the stories that lead to a clear invitation to choose Jesus as Lord of your life. And then get powered up with the ammunition and armor you need to be more than a conqueror.
Know the King who knows you, let His power change you, and let His power in you change the world around you.
In this action-packed activity book for ages 8-12, Mikaela Vincent digs deep into the Word to help kids find their identity in Christ, listen to His lead, and walk out in His power to overcome.
The crossword puzzles, memory verses, word searches, fun coloring activities, and steps to a closer walk with Christ help plant God's Word deep into children's hearts, so they will overcome lies and know the Truth who sets them free.
A 1-2-3 Walk in Step with Me Prayer Journal is also available for kids who want to practice the things they're learning in the workbook.
Take a peek inside the workbook:

Sample Chapter:

Have you ever wanted something so much it was all you could think of or dream about?
In this inspirational picture book for ages 4-8, Mikaela Vincent uses colorful artwork, imaginative poetry and heartwarming humor to tell the story of a young girl who asks for her heart's desire only to discover a treasure surpassing all her imaginations.
Mothers and daughters will especially enjoy deep bonding time reading together this fun interchange between an ambitious little girl and her wise and creative mother in I Want a Horse!
For all the more fun, look for the I Want a Horse! Draw My Own Story Book for creative kids who love to write and illustrate their own personal books.

"I love this book! I've cried every time I've read it, it's so sweet. " (J.M.)
"I was babysitting a three-year-old who is ADD, but she sat still in my lap for this book. She kept petting the horse's mane saying, 'soft.' The artwork makes the hair look so real." (B.P.)
"This book is just what my daughter needs! She's been pestering me for a horse ever since she was a baby. This book helped me connect with her in deep ways as her mother, but it also settled the matter of a horse." (Anonymous)
"I read this on my older Kindle. It's a sweet and cute story for young girls especially, but a good message for older girls as well. We have all wanted something that in our hearts we knew was an impossibility for us to have. The illustrations were black and white on my Kindle, and I'm sure they must be very colorful in the actual book! I need to get the book."
Check out this video above of Jamie Grace Zacharias reading I Want a Horse! on "Bedtime Stories." Leave a "like" and subscribe to her channel for more read-alouds for little ones.

Is your child afraid of the night? Does he sometimes see monsters in the dark? Does she have nightmares? Does he awake in a panic?
Do you?
This story about a fearful, but eventually brave little boy addresses night fears most children experience. Through colorful pictures, sound truths, and a fun storyline, Vincent offers children ages 4-8 (and parents too!) steps to freedom from fear so they can sleep in peace.
A special single moms version is also available at our online store.

"I bought Out You Go, Fear! for myself, even though my children are grown. I'm the one who needed this book! Now I'm armed with a way out of fear." (S.F.)
"My son struggled with nightmares. Sometimes he even saw demons. These practical steps to freedom are so easy he can do them on his own. Now he doesn't crawl in bed with us anymore in the middle of the night. He knows what to do and he does it! And then he just goes back to sleep on his own." (B.P.)
Check out this video below of Jamie Grace Zacharias reading Out You Go, Fear! on "Bedtime Stories." Leave a "like" and subscribe to her channel for more read-alouds for little ones.

This easy-to-read book for ages 4-7 uses colorful drawings, simple words and Scriptureto teach just-beginning readers that Jesus is always with us, even when we can’t see Him. Available in Spanish, too, at our Online store.

"As a grandmother of four, I am always looking for new books to read to my grandchildren. Finding I Want to See Jesus was a treat, not only to them, but also to me. The illustrations are simple, yet captivating and the story line introduces the reality of seeking Jesus. Written in a way that encourages little ones to explore spiritual things, it holds deep truths which remind the reader that having a relationship with God is valuable for a lifetime. Thanks, Miss Vincent for helping me teach my grandchildren truth, with beautiful illustrations." -- Kandy Persall, author of Hungry for More
(This review by Kandy Persall has been used on this website by her permission.)
"The grandchildren slept over last night and when they do, we have a quiet time before breakfast. I chose your book, I Want to See Jesus, to read with them this morning. Sarah my 5 year old LOVED it. She kept wanting to read it over and over again. I know you're smiling . . . :) Can't wait to hear how many other lives you touch through your gift of writing." (Dianne)
"I read your I Want to See Jesus book to the ten children in my class today. They loved it. They were excited by the fact the girl just couldn’t see Jesus while He was there all the time. They giggled a lot. One girl from a believing family said later that Jesus is in our hearts. Another child also said that Jesus is everywhere." (Jane)

A fun fantasy series by Mikaela Vincent for young people filled with adventure and deep truths that just might change their lives.
"I loved the book, but also the illustrations! Vincent is such a creative and fun author. I can't wait for her next book!" (Lizzy, age 12)
"Vincent does a great job of incorporating important truths in deep, meaningful ways that are also fun and exciting, so that my children didn't want to put the book down; but they also walked away from the experience with a deeper understanding of who they are in Christ and the powerful lives in Him they were created to live. I read these books, too, and was encouraged to seek the Lord more than ever before, to listen for His voice, and to follow His lead. Great job, Mikaela!" (Jeroma)
"I just couldn't put down Rescue from Darkness. My mom had to keep reminding me to do my chores! I read it in three days." (Amber, age 12)
"We just finished reading the Narnia series, and then we started reading the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light. The spiritual meaning is so much clearer in Rescue from Darkness, and has given us much to talk about. My children are drawing closer to the Lord and stronger in their faith through reading your novel. We can't wait to read Sands of Surrender!" (Ingrid, children ages 10-12)"
"I was just reading a sample of your book, Sands of Surrender, on my kindle, and it was really good! I also have read Rescue from Darkness five times! I really like it!!! Tell me when your next book is coming out, because they really speak to me and I want to get it." (Joseph, age 14)
"I just finished Rescue from Darkness. Today, I talked to Jesus all day long just like Victoria. And He answered me!" (Charis, age 14)
"If you like Chronicles of Narnia, you'll love Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light."
- Ingrid C., Christian mom of children ages 10-12
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